Transportation Planning
Transportation planning is the process of evaluating the current transportation infrastructure to identify existing issues, modeling and analyzing alternatives based on future transportation needs, and evaluation and selection of policies and concepts through stakeholder and public forums. Transportation planning helps shape how a community or city grows by evaluating everything from streets and highways to public transit and bike lanes. TEC has two certified Professional Transportation Planners on staff with many years of experience in the public and private sectors and knowledge to help clients of all sizes.
Transportation Master Plans

TEC has extensive experience providing transportation master plans to public clients. This requires specialized knowledge and collection of the following information:
- Current Traffic Volume Data
- Street Geometric Information
- Traffic Control Types
- Current Land Use and Zoning Information
- Future Proposed Land Use and Zoning Information
- Current and/or Projected Street Classifications
Summary reports and street maps are prepared to indicate the future transportation master plan. The master plan includes recommendations on major arterial street networks, traffic control improvements and land use zoning recommendations.
Data Collection

TEC utilizes the latest electronic equipment available to collect accurate traffic data. This data is used to complete traffic studies including:
- Traffic Impact Studies
- Operational Analysis Studies
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Classification Studies
- Travel Time and Delay Studies
- Vehicle Gap Studies
- License Plate Studies
Signal Warrant Analysis

Traffic signal warrant analysis includes the collection of:
- Current and/or Projected Traffic Volume Data
- Pedestrian Volume Data
- Historical Crash Data
This information determines the need for a traffic signal to improve the overall safety and efficiency of a given intersection.
Modeling and Analysis

The latest versions of PTV Vissim, CORSIM, and Synchro, as well as other traffic simulation models are used by TEC to analyze the following:
- Traffic Flow Characteristics of Intersections
- Street Networks
- Corridors
- Interchanges
- Highways
This analysis is used to determine optimum traffic signal timing for isolated signalized intersections and coordinated traffic signal systems. It can also be used to review existing geometric alignments or future geometric changes to intersections, streets and highway interchanges.
Engineering Needs Study

By collecting data from the following sources, TEC can determine short and long term solutions to improve street system safety and efficiency, reduce liability exposure and assist in the future development or expansion of municipal and county infrastructure.
- Traffic Signal Inventories
- Traffic Signal Trouble-Call Logging Procedures
- Records and Ordinances on Traffic Signing
- Striping Inventories
- Signing Inventories
- Crash Data
- Traffic Volume Data
- Other Traffic/Transportation Plan Review
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA)

The purpose of a TIA is to forecast, describe, and analyze the traffic and transit effects a development may have on the existing and future infrastructure. TEC conducts traffic impact studies and analysis for developments of all sizes including commercial, residential, institutional (school) and combinations of mixed land use. The current traffic data is combined with projected traffic volumes to determine the expected impact on traffic in regards to the new development.
Parking Studies

TEC provides parking studies to collect required information regarding capacity and use of new or existing parking facilities. Parking studies may be limited to a particular traffic producer like a retail store or an entire area such as a central business district. Once the study area has been determined, there are different types of parking studies that may be required. TEC’s Parking Studies include the following:
- Inventory of Parking Facilities
- Accumulation Counts
- Duration and Turnover Surveys
- User Information Surveys
- Land Use Method of Determining Demand
Multimodal Studies

TEC provides multimodal level-of-service studies to analyze the interaction of various modes of travel along a particular corridor. These studies take a context sensitive approach to the prioritization of various modes of travel such as personal vehicle, transit, bicycle and pedestrian and provides a level-of-service for each based on the corridor. Multimodal studies may include the following:
- Assessment and documentation of existing vehicular, transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities
- Collection of traffic, bicycle and pedestrian data
- Assessment and documentation of driveway location and usage along the corridor
- Assessment and documentation of existing right-of-way
- Analysis of major intersections
- Development of multimodal model
- Recommendation of context sensitive corridor improvements
Traffic Signals

TEC provides services for both isolated intersections, as well as coordinated traffic signal systems. There are numerous types of signal coordination systems available today. TEC takes the time to understand each Client’s capabilities to operate and maintain a system in order to specify which systems are compatible with the existing staff’s capabilities to optimize success.
TEC has proven experience with the following systems:
- Closed Loop System Utilizing Hardwire Interconnect
- Fiber Optic
- Radio Control
- Microwave
- Time of Day Synchronization
We are familiar with National Transportation Communications for Intelligent Transportation System Protocol (NTCIP).
Intersection Channelization

Simple is the key with intersection channelization design and TEC is known internationally for designing traffic signals with maintenance in mind. TEC’s philosophy is to keep this type of project easy to construct, more adaptable to changes in traffic needs and clear directional use by drivers.

TEC provides urban and rural roadway design for both public and private clients. Through established relationships and strategic partnerships with civil engineering consulting firms, TEC is a trusted resource for the following services:
- Data Collection
- Projections
- Signal Warrant Analysis
- Modeling and Analysis
- Traffic Engineering Needs Study
- Traffic Impact Studies
- Traffic Signal Design
- Intersection Channelization Design
- Roadway Lighting Design
- Signage and Striping
Roadway Lighting

Properly designed and maintained roadway lighting enables comfortable and safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. TEC is a leader in designing intricate decorative lighting projects. Serving public and private clients, TEC has experience with both linear and tower lighting projects. TEC utilizes the latest industry standard lighting software to obtain the proper photometric design for each lighting system project.
Parking/Roadway Signage and Striping

TEC has been called upon to review and design large parking areas for both private and public clients. The reviews typically include:
Field reconnaissance, inspection and analysis of all available information on the existing mainline signage and striping including:
- Accessibility of the Site
- Internal Circulation Patters
- Optimization of the Number of Parking Spaces
- Wayfinding Signage
ADA/Pedestrian Improvement

A properly designed intersection allows pedestrians to easily and safely navigate each leg of the intersection. Improvements such as ADA compliant wheelchair ramps, pedestrian signal heads, pedestrian push buttons and crosswalk striping are implemented to provide accessibility for all pedestrians.
Bicycle Facilities

TEC provides bicycle facility design services to make bicycling a safer and convenient mode of transportation. The specific segment of roadway will be analyzed to determine if the facility is applicable for bicycle design improvement and the appropriate type of bicycle improvement to implement. The bicycle facility improvement include the following:
- Shared Lane
- Bike Lane
- Buffered Bike Lane
Construction Traffic Control

Often there is more than one workable solution to construction traffic control design. TEC takes pride in providing a course of action based on safety, as well as the design and construction requirements. Services may include:
- Work Zone Traffic Control Strategy
- Work Zone Capacity Analysis
- Existing Operational Factors
- Worker Safety

TEC prides itself on the ability to analyze and design roundabouts in all shapes and sizes. A properly designed roundabout greatly reduces the likelihood and severity of collisions, promotes lower speeds, and results in reduced vehicle pollution and maintenance costs compared to traffic signals.
Coordinated Signal System Timing

Coordinated signal system timing is used to control or increase the flow of traffic. Factors that must be considered to make timing successful include:
- Pedestrian Traffic
- Traffic Accelerators
- Traffic Impediments Including Drive Ways and Line of Sight
Operational Analysis

Operational analysis is a method of examining the current and historical performance and enhancing effectiveness by identifying what does and does not work. Through measurement and evaluation the ability of vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles to travel along the study area are reviewed. The steps that are included in operational analysis include:
- Data Collection
- Process Data
- Traffic Analysis
- Mobility Standards
- Evaluate Results
Circulation Analysis

When it comes to circulation analysis, TEC focuses on capacity, safety and geometric layout. The need to analyze future traffic, parking or infrastructure needs is paramount to the success of any community. Items that may be considered in a circulation analysis include:
- Traffic Calming Solutions
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossings
- Parking
- Safe Route Travel
Software used in circulation analysis includes the latest versions of:
- Highway Capacity Software (HCS)
- Synchro
- PTV Vissim
- PTV Vistro
- TSIS-Corsim
Traffic Engineering Consultants, Inc.
2770 Washington Dr.
Ste. 100
Norman, OK 73069
6931 S. 66th E. Ave.
Ste. 100
Tulsa, OK 74133
217 E. Dickson St.
Ste. 106
Fayetteville, AR 72701
8221 Ranch Blvd.
Ste. A-1
Little Rock, AR 72223
2208 W. Chesterfield Blvd.
Ste. 106
Springfield, MO 65807